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Schiebel Camcopter® S-100 unmanned air system (UAS) wins contract with Royal Australian Navy

Schiebel Camcopter® S-100 unmanned air system (UAS) wins contract with Royal Australian Navy

The Royal Australian Navy has awarded to Schiebel a contract for the supply of its CAMCOPTER® S-100 System and three years of follow-on Contractor Logistics Support. The Royal Australian Navy released an international Request for Tender (RfT) in late February 2016 for a UAS capability. Schiebel was very pleased to be able to submit a comprehensive proposal to deliver the latest version of its highly successful CAMCOPTER® S-100 UAS. After thorough proposal evaluation and completing negotiations, the contract was signed at the end of December 2016. Hans Georg Schiebel, owner of Schiebel Group, emphasizes: “We feel most honored by the Royal Australian Navy’s decision to purchase our CAMCOPTER® S-100 UAS. We are sure that the S-100 will prove to be an effective asset that will set a new benchmark for UAS capability.” As the experience of the company’s diverse maritime customers shows, the CAMCOPTER® S-100 improves the situational awareness of ship-borne operations substantially, making it the number one short-range tactical unmanned aircraft for naval applications. The CAMCOPTER® S-100 holds an impressive track record of supporting naval customers, with missions successfully completed on over 30 different ships on all the world’s oceans, in every environment from the tropics to the Arctic.

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